China Is ‘Chomping At The Bit’ After Afghanistan

Biden has really downplayed China and their want to take over America in the next 15 years. He openly admitted that China wants to be THE world power and their intention to take over the country during a Townhall. But for some reason that’s not a big deal. So this year, China, like many of our adversaries, saw that we are weakened with Biden as our president and started to mess with Taiwan. We told China we would defend Taiwan and Japan joined us, so they stopped harassing the island nation. But now, after the Afghanistan blunder, China is back to it and have been sending waves of planes threatening their independence.

A total of 19 Chinese military aircraft, including fighter jets, flew into Taiwan’s southwestern air defense identification zone (ADIZ) on Sunday, the fourth time this has taken place in September, according to the Ministry of National Defense.

The aircraft involved were 10 J-16 multi-role fighters, four H-6 bombers, four SU-30 fighters, and one Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft, according to a report released by the ministry.

All of the aircraft were spotted southwest of Taiwan, between Taiwan and the Taiwanese-held Dongsha Islands, a chart in the report showed.

That airspace is considered part of Taiwan’s ADIZ, an area declared by a country to allow it to identify, locate and control approaching foreign aircraft, but such zones are not considered territorial airspace.

The Taiwan Air Force responded by scrambling planes to monitor the Chinese aircraft, issuing radio warnings, and mobilizing air defense assets, the ministry said.”

China has not yet officially commented.

Beijing often launches such missions to express displeasure at comments made by Taiwan.

In June, it sent 28 military jets into the ADIZ – the largest incursion reported by Taiwan to date.

On 24 January, a similar mission saw 15 aircraft entering Taiwan’s air defense zone while on 12 April, Taiwan reported 25 jets.

It is not clear what prompted the latest mission.

However, last week Taiwan’s defense ministry warned that China’s armed forces could “paralyze” Taiwan’s defenses and that the Chinese threat is growing.”

That is just how weak Biden makes us look.  The Afghanistan evacuation renewed our adversaries belief that Biden is incompetent and we are going through a vulnerable period with him at the helm. Biden has reaffirmed that we will we defend Taiwan but after our performance in Afghanistan, China is feeling better about messing with us.

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