Harris Reportedly Shaken After Conservative News Report: ‘It Got in Her Head and Caused High Anxiety’

The Aristotelian quote commonly known as “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it,” may or may not have originated from the philosopher himself, but the message behind it is still pertinent. In today’s society, however, it appears that the leaders of our nation have forgotten the wisdom contained in this phrase, especially Vice President Kamala Harris.

According to an Axios article published on Friday, Harris seems to have a difficult time managing her emotions when exposed to media that does not portray her or her administration in a positive light. The article claims that Harris becomes highly anxious after watching conservative news channels, such as Fox News and its panel show “The Five.” One former aide to Harris admitted that the negative coverage of her would “get in her head” and cause her significant distress.

It is troubling to think that the second-highest-ranking official in the United States would be so affected by the media’s opinions. This sentiment extends to President Joe Biden, who is also mentioned in the article as an avid viewer of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” show. The article reveals that Biden often calls co-host Joe Scarborough, who is a vocal critic of former President Donald Trump, to discuss current events and vent about the media’s coverage.

Furthermore, the article claims that Biden frequently asks his staff if they have seen segments or polls from the show, and even includes regular guests, such as journalist Mike Barnicle, in foreign policy discussions. It is alarming to think that the White House is now being run by a man who takes advice from a morning talk show host and an anti-Trump historian who once compared Trump supporters to those with a “lizard brain.”


But perhaps the most concerning revelation from the article is that Harris, too, is an avid viewer of “Morning Joe.” In fact, she reportedly held a dinner at the vice presidential residence for Scarborough and his wife, Mika Brzezinski. It is no wonder that Harris is struggling with her approval ratings if she takes the opinions of one-sided media outlets so seriously.

It is time for our leaders to step out of their media bubbles and face the reality of the current state of our nation. The constant praise from shows like “Morning Joe” may boost their egos, but it does little to address the myriad of issues plaguing our country. Inflation, rising debt, and global instability are real problems that cannot be ignored, no matter how much the media tries to cover them up.

Moreover, the fact that Harris becomes anxious and upset over her portrayal in the media is evidence of her lack of mental fortitude and resilience. At a time when the American people are looking for strong and capable leaders, it is disheartening to see the second-in-line to the presidency falling apart at the slightest negative comment.

It is clear that both Biden and Harris are heavily influenced by the media and that their policies and decisions may be swayed by fawning coverage, rather than what is truly in the best interest of the country. As Aristotle would likely say, an educated mind should be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. It is time for our leaders to educate themselves on the realities of the world, instead of relying on biased media outlets for their information.

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