CNN Hypes Fani Willis Praises Her For Refusing to Step Away from Trump Case Amid Scandals

The controversy surrounding Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has reached a fever pitch, and CNN is eagerly lapping up every detail. On Thursday morning, during the first hour of CNN This Morning’s broadcast, national security reporter Zachary Cohen took the opportunity to praise Willis for her refusal to step away from the case against former President Trump. Cohen downplayed the seriousness of the accusations against her, suggesting that they were a mere distraction from the real issue at hand.

Opening the segment, co-host Poppy Harlow noted that Willis was “standing her ground” despite calls for her resignation or removal from the case. This framing paints Willis as a valiant defender of justice, rather than a potential subject of a sex and corruption scandal. Cohen echoed this sentiment, stating that Willis was “digging in” and showing no signs of backing down.

The decision whether or not to disqualify her will ultimately be up to a judge, and as Cohen noted, the alleged improper use of taxpayer dollars to fund vacations for her alleged lover, Special Counsel Nathan Wade, is just one aspect of the accusations against her.

CNN’s coverage of this case reveals their consistent double standards when it comes to political scandals.

Instead of treating the allegations against Willis with the seriousness and scrutiny they deserve, they downplay the allegations and minimize the potential consequences. Co-host Phil Mattingly even questioned whether Willis had a “good shot” at beating the accusations, as if her position of power and influence somehow gave her an advantage in the situation.

Imagine that…

Cohen, for his part, seemed to dismiss the allegations as solely Republican attempts to discredit Willis and her case against Trump.

Cohen’s final comments are telling of CNN’s priorities in this situation. Instead of acknowledging the gravity of the accusations against Willis and the potential impact it could have on her case against Trump, he focused on the potential political damage it could cause her.

This is a clear indication of CNN’s bias in favor of Willis and their attempt to downplay the severity of her alleged actions.


CNN’s coverage of Fani Willis and her refusal to step away from the Trump case is reflective of their biased and hypocritical reporting. They have chosen to praise and defend Willis rather than hold her accountable for her alleged misuse of taxpayer dollars and her fraught personal life. Their dismissive attitude towards these accusations only serves to undermine the severity of the situation and further perpetuate their biased narrative.

Are we supu[rized? Absolutely not!

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