‘The View’ Hosts Trainwreck Hillary Clinton In Massive Biden Cover Plot

Hillary Clinton needs to take a much closer look at the facts before using highly charged language to make her comparisons. During a Wednesday appearance on “The View,” the former Secretary of State attempted to compare former President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, claiming he had “dictatorial, authoritarian tendencies.” The irony is that the actions she mentioned have all already been done under the Biden administration.

“Somebody with those tendencies …dictatorial, authoritarian… would be like ‘Oh okay, we’re going to shut this down, we’re going to throw these people in jail …’” Clinton said. She added, “Trump is telling us what he intends to do. Take him at his word. The man means to throw people in jail who disagree with him. Shut down legitimate press outlets. Do what he can to literally undermine the rule of law and our country’s values.”

However, rather than Trump throwing thousands of people who disagree with him in jail, it was actually President Joe Biden doing exactly that by incarcerating over 1,000 people for voicing their disagreement with the election results, according to Axios. Clinton was also conspicuously missing any mention of the Biden campaign’s collusion with X to censor stories, like those surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop, labeling them as “disinformation,” or locking opponents of the current President out of their X account for simply exercising their free speech.

Clinton and co-host Joy Behar also forgot the 25,000 National Guard troops that were forced to sleep in parking garages to “protect” the capital from the “dangerous” Trump protesters, as reported by the Associated Press. This was done under the orders of the Biden administration, not the Trump administration.

Clinton’s use of Hitler comparisons simply doesn’t hold up to the facts. It’s not the right-wing policies or Trump that have destroyed values in the United States, but instead the Biden administration’s lax policies at the southern border that have allowed for drugs, sex trafficking, and the consequent widespread crime and drug addiction that have destroyed these cities. It is these policies that have shockingly undermined the rule of law and our country’s values.


Throughout her appearance, Clinton’s words are a stark reminder of the current administration’s attempts to silence opposition and the complete and total collapse of our country’s values. In this, she could have done a much greater service by accurately describing the current President’s actions. Instead, she only furthered the spread of misinformation, and the comparisons she made were deeply inappropriate.

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