Watch: De Niro Claims Trump Supporters Have Hate and Anger Issues Turing Rage-filled Outburst

By dragging himself and his profession through the mud once again with his hateful vitriol, Robert De Niro has once again reminded the world why Hollywood has become such a despised industry. During his recent appearance on ABC’s The View, De Niro launched into a profanity-laden tirade against former President Donald Trump, claiming that he was “already like Hitler and Mussolini” and that he had “done everything” to destroy America.

De Niro’s hateful rant started with a call to not ‘underestimate’ Trump as a threat. He declared that people didn’t take past dictators like Hitler and Mussolini seriously, and claimed that Trump was already doing everything he promised to do. De Niro went on to predict that if Trump were to win another election, those who oppose him would ultimately be proven right. He then proceeded to unleash a deluge of profanity against Trump and his supporters, causing the show’s producers to mute the audio.

In his angry tirade against Trump, De Niro seemed to forget that he himself has made violent threats against the former President. In 2016, De Niro stated that he wanted to punch Trump in the face. This went beyond just rhetoric, as De Niro condemned Trump for saying he wanted to punch a protester at one of his rallies. Clearly, De Niro does not practice what he preaches.

Continuing on his path of hypocrisy, De Niro criticized Trump and his supporters for their supposed hate and anger, while spewing his own hatred towards them. He called them “mean-spirited” and “awful” while questioning what kind of person would talk to others in such a way. Well, Robert, you may want to look in the mirror and try answering your own question.

But De Niro wasn’t done yet. He went on to claim that Trump wanted to destroy America, causing the show’s audio to cut in and out several times due to his excessive cursing. De Niro accused Trump of wanting chaos and craziness, projecting his own desires onto the former President. And yet, he seemed to miss the irony of his own words and behavior.

Watch The Irony!

The segment was capped off by moderator Whoopi Goldberg, who claimed without evidence that Trump planned to stay in office until he died. She warned that he would refuse to concede the election and cause immense civil strife, echoing De Niro’s fear mongering. But the real question is, why are they still so fixated on a former President when there are many pressing issues to address?

De Niro’s appearance on The View was just another example of the unhinged and hateful rhetoric that has become all too common in Hollywood.

By spewing profanity and spreading baseless claims, De Niro showed that he is no better than the person he claims to despise. It’s time for Hollywood to stop using their platforms to spew hate and start using them to spread unity and positivity. And that’s the bottom line.

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